We vegetable gardeners are pretty serious about getting our annual work rewarded with bountiful harvests. So serious in fact, that some of us hate to waste space for anything that won’t contribute to growing nutritious food for the dinner table. That’s probably why my desire to have flowers throughout the garden has met with some resistance at our little homestead. But that’s also why I have gathered some pretty convincing arguments that flowers contribute to having healthy plants and nutritious crops. If you or your gardening partner need some persuasion to include flowers with your vegetable plants, then please let me try to convince you.
The first resistance we may hear is that flowers will result in less space for vegetables. To see why this doesn’t have to be true, we may have to revise our notion of what our gardens should look like. There is wisdom in nature crowding both abundance and variety in “unkept” areas. When we do the same, we can end up with both bounty and beauty.
At our place, even the four-by-ten foot raised beds do well with marigolds bordering tomato plants. The cabbage and broccoli look great with nasturtiums draped over the edge of their bed. Imagine a larger garden that has roomy paths and a periphery rimmed with cut grass. Let’s revise that garden in our imagination to be surrounded with flowers rather than grass and the walking paths narrowed with borders of flowers. The wider paths may have allowed machinery into the garden, but that only compressed the soil and made it less welcoming for plants. Our revised garden will need less weeding and grass cutting as well as having improved insect-control, and more bountiful harvests. Let’s explore why the latter is true.
We can agree that it’s an asset to have beneficial insects and birds attracted to our vegetable gardens. These beneficials not only provide needed pollination, but they help reduce the number of harmful insects. The smell and color of some flowers are more likely than vegetables to attract helpful insects. Flowers then offer these beneficials the essentials of nectar and pollen.
The flowers that do this best include marigolds, nasturtiums, zinnias, cone flowers, calendula, sweet alyssum, borage, yarrow, and cosmos.
Flowers may add a bit of chaos to an orderly garden, but having cosmos drooping over cabbage, or zinnias sprawling across a path, also increases the number of beneficials in other ways. In general, beneficials prefer some shade and ground cover. Don’t cringe when I say that the good guys include not only insects, but also snakes, toads, spiders and birds. Over-all, it’s the bad guys, or crop-eating insects, that prefer clear ground and full sun. Additionally, many of the crop-eating insects take short flights from one plant to another until they’ve pretty much sampled everything. We can limit their range by growing an occasional higher row of sunflowers or hollyhocks between our vegetables.
More than just attracting and supporting beneficials, some flowers directly reduce the number of harmful insects with their scent and natural compounds. Nasturtiums will reduce the number of aphids around tomato plants. Marigolds reduce the number of white flies while their roots kill nematodes. Borage, when planted among tomatoes, squash, and strawberries, will limit the number of pests. Chrysanthemums actually contain pyrethrum which deter pests like spider mites and Japanese beetles. Lavender and geraniums are also known to discourage harmful pests.
Here’s more “logic” that’s definitely appeals to me; flowers can reduce the number of weeds. Some flowers have roots that release chemicals that suppress the growth of bindweed and ground ivy. Many others serve as a living mulch. These flowers include nasturtiums, creeping thyme, yarrow, sweet woodruff, and creeping phlox.
I believe we should be prepared for one other argument; some people see flowers as an additional and unnecessary expense. To this I would respond that flowers don’t need to cost much at all. Purple cone flowers (Echinacea) and bee-balm (Bergamot) are perennials that stand as sentinels at the end of our garden rows. Most came as divisions from the first plants which I began from seed. Poppies and chamomile reseed themselves each year. Other annuals like zinnias and marigolds come from seeds that I save.
Some gardeners may still need convincing, so the fact that flowers increase the health of the soil and therefore the nutritional quality of our harvest, might be enough to convince most skeptics to plant flowers. Phacelia and clovers act as “green manure” and help store nitrogen in the soil. Sunflowers and borage have deep roots that help break up and aerate soil. These roots also pull up deep minerals in the soil so that our vegetable plants have access to these nutrients.
As I mentioned, when we look at unkept meadows or woodlands, we see that nature always creates great diversity in her plantings. Having more variety of plants in the garden will also result in more diversity of life in the soil. This creates a healthy soil-food web that is essential if we want our vegetables to be high in nutrition and flavor. When we see flowers snuggled up to vegetable plants in a garden, we know there will be more nutrition in that garden’s crops. The proof will be in the improved flavor in our produce because nature wisely combines higher nutrition with more flavor.
That logic may sound a bit complex, so it may not sell as well as this one; many flowers are edible! While gathering makings for a salad with the lettuce that has grown in the shade of taller flowers, we can also gather edible flowers to create salads that are both beautiful and nutritious. Honeysuckle, nasturtiums, violets, calendulas lavender, borage, hibiscus, and pansies are all edible.
The beauty of our salads can be extended with beautiful indoor flower bouquets throughout the growing season. In fact, this enjoyment begins in the garden when including cut zinnias and coneflowers in our basket along with tomatoes and peppers. Bringing the garden’s beauty indoors is a big bonus for me.
Speaking of beauty, having a beautiful garden greet us when we set off to weed or harvest makes gardening more pleasant. This pleasure isn’t only for the flowers’ beauty, but for the other creatures that these flowers attract. I remember picking beans while watching two hummingbirds follow Black swallowtail butterflies from one zinnia to the next. I was delighted when those two then came and hovered before me, as if I was to negotiate their differences (and hummingbirds always have differences). And when a hummingbird moth hovered on a Mexican sunflower, I was open-mouth stunned for never having seen one before.
Hummingbird moth
Even with no new discoveries, when our garden is full of a variety of vegetables, flowers and animal life, it becomes what feels like a sacred space to me. I may walk by a sidewalk’s flower bed, but I spend time actually observing while working in the garden. I gradually come to focus on the orchestra of busy insects and bird songs, the feel of the breeze, and the blend of spicy and sweet smells. It becomes a meditation to be totally in the moment without my mind buzzing to past memories or future concerns. Being in a beautiful garden feels good for my body and mind. So if flowers and all the life they attract entice me to spend more time in the garden, then both the garden and I benefit.
There will still be some “serious” gardeners who won’t buy my logic and who will frown at all the color and chaos in our vegetable gardens. We can smile in response because we know that following nature’s example of combining diversity and beauty will result in better health for our vegetables, the beneficials, the soil, and us. So let’s plant lots of flowers in our vegetable gardens!
There will still be some “serious” gardeners who won’t buy my logic and who will frown at all the color and chaos in our vegetable gardens. We can smile in response because we know that following nature’s example of combining diversity and beauty will result in better health for our vegetables, the beneficials, the soil, and us. So let’s plant lots of flowers in our vegetable gardens!
Mary Lou