When my husband and I began homesteading on our 13-acre Ohio farm, we chose to raise old breeds of animals that were in danger of going extinct. Genetic preservation of farm animals, similar to saving heirloom seeds, has become important because corporate farming uses only uniform-sized, high-production, hybrid animals. If we and future generations will have the ability to raise our own food, more of us must have a few rare breeds in our backyards. Fortunately, there are many delightful bonuses to having these animals.
"Sustainability" doesn't mean to me that we don't need our neighbors and community. It simply means that we don't have to keep buying lots of inputs.
Heirloom farm animals made our little farm more "sustainable" in many ways:
The Livestock Conservancy has always been our resource for finding our cows, chickens, turkeys, pigs and ducks. They list current owners of these animals who are members of the conservancy. This allows you to get in touch--and others to be in touch with you in the future--to share the genetics as your hens or herds increase in number.
I also found it helpful to see how close to extinction each breed of animals is by seeing what category it was in: "critical," "threatened," "watch," "recovering" or "study." Of course I chose the "critical" category of Dorking chickens, Narragansett turkeys and Dutch Belted cows. It was rewarding to see both the chickens and turkeys increase in number so that they rose to the "watch" category during the first decade that we had them. The wonderful Dutch Belted cows, however, continue to be close to extinction.
The Livestock Conservancy features these species of animals so you're sure to find something that will "fit" your space:
I admit to really enjoying these animals and caring for them as I would our "pets." It does mean I'm conscientious about cleaning their houses and barn, and it was difficult to learn that saving their breeds would mean butchering the males when it was time. But I love being around them and their trust in my husband and me is rewarding.
They have enriched our lives in so many ways, that I hope you can share this experience both for the fun of it and for helping to save their breeds.
Heritage breeds are becoming so rare that if we lose them, we also lose our ability to grow our own food. The corporate world has narrowed and modified the breeds that they use in such a way that they are meant for short lives and high production. These are very poor traits when we want to raise our own food.
Commercial or "production" animals, whether mammals or birds, have very short life spans and have been bred up for maximum production of meat, milk, or eggs. The chickens we buy at the store, "cornish cross," can only live for two months before their legs begin to break or they have congestive heart failure, as opposed to a backyard egg-laying chicken that can live for five to seven years and provide both eggs and meat. Commercial dairy cows only live for about three years as opposed to the Dutch belted (for example) that live up to 20 years and can calf annually even through their teens.
There are lots of benefits both for us and for future generations of people! Heritage breeds offer a wide choice of genetic diversity to suit our individual situations. They exhibit a hardiness lacking in commercial breeds, have vigorous health, have easier births, and then are great mothers.
Mary Lou